First, what is a regenerative business?

Regenerative businesses are those that not only focus on being profitable, but also on creating net-positive impacts on their natural environment and ecosystems (include human communities). These businesses go above and beyond the usual practices of reducing waste and decreasing their carbon footprints, and design their business models in a way that allows all life to flourish. After all, "Life creates the conditions for more life"

In this article, we will feature 4 incredible regenerative brands that are making a positive impact on the planet and what we love about their business model and their marketing. We hope you get inspired about whats possible in business with a regenerative mindset.

#1- Seed2Shirt

The textile industry is one of the most polluting and extractive industries in the world, but Seed2Shirt is a regenerative fashion brand that is changing the foundation of the industry from the ground up. They use regenerative farming practices to grow cotton, which not only sequesters carbon but also improves soil health and provides local jobs that empower afro-indigenous farmer ecosystems. They also use natural dyes and compostable packaging to minimize waste.

What we love about their business model:

They not only offer regenerative and ethical clothing products but they use those sales and profits to support regenerative agriculture education and directly invest in black-owned infrastructure within African diaspora communities.

What we love about their marketing:

They're brand centers and celebrates black people, black joy and black culture - placing Black prosperity at every step of all organizational activities from their product production chain to their marketing. Their marketing campaign called "We Represent Us" was led by black marketers and the campaign itself uses black artists, manufacturers and produces across the African diaspora. Seed2Shirt is beautiful example of how to embody your regenerative mission through every single business choice you make.

#2 Recompose

Death is a part of life, and Recompose is a company that is revolutionizing the funeral industry by offering a natural and regenerative alternative to traditional burial and cremation - human composting. They use a process called natural organic reduction, which transforms human remains into soil that can be used for regenerating nature. They not only offer a more sustainable and respectful way of handling human remains, but they also help to regenerate soil and which helps drawdown carbon in our atmosphere.

What we love about their business model:

Their business practices truly embody a regenerative model of business. From using hiring practices that center meaningful diversity, to skipping venture capital fundraising and going straight to a community for 5M in fundraising (you can invest here).

What we love about their marketing:

We love how their brand focuses on the importance of writing a new narrative of a death-positive culture. And, their beautiful high-resolution photography of a healthy soil ecosystem elegantly celebrates the beauty of soil creation. Who knew dirt could be so sacred.

#3 - Coral Vita

Coral reefs are dying at an alarming rate due to climate change and other human activities. Coral Vita is an innovative company that is on a mission to restore and regenerate coral reefs around the world. They grow corals in a land-based coral farm, which is a 60x faster and more efficient way of growing corals than in the ocean which accelerates the pace at which we can regrow these essential and declining ocean ecosystems.

What we love about their business model:

They not only regenerate coral reefs but they also provide local jobs and education opportunities centering creating organizational alliances with local businesses and governments.  They offer free tours and education at their Grand-Bahamas facilities.

What we love about their brand:

Adopt a coral program invites individuals and corporations to participate in the process of coral restoration, while also learning about the processes and impact. We love campaigns that multiply impact.

#4 - Green Wave

Seaweed is not only delicious, but it is also a fantastic regenerative crop. Green Wave is a company that grows seaweed and a constellation of other products using regenerative farming methods, which not only sequesters carbon but also provides habitat for marine life. They also offer training programs for seaweed farmers, which empowers local communities to regenerate their marine ecosystems.

What we love about their business model:

They address they focus on training and educating farmer on a high-value, regenerative ocean farming having educated 900 farmers to date. Not only are they creating economic opportunities for farms at livable wages they are focusing on creating opportunities for traditionally marginalized groups.

What we love about their marketing:  

When the demand for their training far exceeded their ability to deliver it, they didn't raise prices. Instead, they made their education more accessible and more scalable through the creation of an Ocean Farming Hub that helps educate and train farmers on Greenwave's system. It also creates more viral buzz and drives more interest in other programs - we love a good win-win-win.

How to Put it into Action

These brilliant regenerative brands offer a new roadmap on how to do business in our economy that creates value for all life. The more success these businesses have, the more the nature and humans can heal themselves. By showcasing their efforts, we hope to inspire others to take action:

  • Follow in their footsteps in your business
  • Patron their products and services
  • Spread word of these organization and amplify their impact

EarthLove Labs is a women-led marketing collective committed to building growth systems for breakthrough solutions in human and planetary wellbeing. We aim to support regenerative businesses and fractalize their impact in the world through effective and connective marketing systems. Let's create a regenerative future together.

We're open for collaborations and business. Drop us a line - we are happy to build deeper mycelial roots in the regenerative business community -

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